Po nis ‘skenari i makthit’?/ ‘Daily Mail’: Putin do realizojë pushtimin e plotë të Ukrainës. Ukraina: Rusia thuajse ka përfunduar grumbullimin…

Shefat e mbrojtjes në Britaninë e Madhe druhen se presidenti rus, Vladimir Putin, do të përzgjedhë skenarin më të frikshëm, atë të pushtimit të plotë të Ukrainës.

Sipas “Daily Mail”, ky njihet si “skenari i makthit” dhe mund të vihet në zbatim nga momenti në moment.

Shtëpia e Bardhë paralajmëroi dje se, situata është jashtëzakonisht e rrezikshme dhe se Moska, mund të ndërmarrë sulmin në çdo moment.

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Deri tani mendohej se Putin do të dërgonte trupa vetëm në rajonin e Donbasit në lindje të Ukrainës, duke kërkuar krijimin e një shteti të pavarur, që do të shërbejë si zonë sigurie mes Rusisë dhe Ukrainës perëndimore.

Por tani burimet e inteligjencës britanike druhen se, bëhet fjalë për një inkursion në shkallë shumë më të madhe. Ekziston frika se qytetet e mëdha do përfshihen në luftime dhe numri i vdekjeve mes civilëve do jetë shumë i lartë.

Ndërkohë në Kiev të Ukrainës ka mbërritur Sekretari i Shtetit, Antony Blinken, në përpjekje për të ulur tensionet në rajon.

Rusia ka dërguar mbi 100 mijë trupa në kufi me Ukrainën, që në fundin e vitit të kaluar.

A map showing the route the six landing ships could possibly be taking from Russia's second Baltic Sea base Kronstadt to Ukraine ahead of a 'full-scale invasion'. The vessels were pictured at the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday

Ukraina nga ana e saj ka paralajmëruar se Rusia thuajse ka përfunduar grumbullimin e forcave të saj që mund të përdoren për një ofensivë kundër vendit, duke marrë parasysh frikën se, Moska mund të nisë një pushtim në çdo kohë, njofton rrjeti amerikan CNN.

Sipas vlerësimit të fundit të inteligjencës së Ministrisë së Mbrojtjes të Ukrainës, Rusia tani ka vendosur më shumë se 127,000 trupa në rajon. Sipas këtij vlerësimi, bëhet fjalë për një situatë “të vështirë” dhe se, Ukraina beson se, “Rusia po përpiqet të ndajë dhe dobësojë Bashkimin Evropian dhe NATO-n”.

Six Russian landing ships (pictured, landing ship Minsk near the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark en route to the North Sea) have sailed past Britain sparking speculation they are bound for an impending 'full-scale invasion' of Ukraine

Veprimet e Rusisë synojnë gjithashtu kufizimin e aftësive të Shteteve të Bashkuara, thuhet në vlerësimin e inteligjencës së Ministrisë ukrainase të Mbrojtjes, për të garantuar sigurinë në kontinentin evropian.

Vlerësimi vjen pasi tre raunde bisedimesh diplomatike mes Rusisë dhe Perëndimit që synonin shtensionimin e situatës, nuk arritën të jepnin një zgjidhje javën e kaluar.

Northern Fleet warships Olenegorsky Gornyak Pyotr Morgunov, (pictured) and Georgii Pobedonosets passed through the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday, possibly en route to Ukraine

Në fund të dhjetorit dhe në janar, Rusia ka zhvendosur stoqet e municioneve, spitalet fushore në terren dhe shërbimet e sigurisë në kufi, që sipas Ukrainës konfirmon përgatitjen për operacione sulmuese.

Në vlerësimin e lartpërmendur thuhet gjithashtu se, Rusia mbështet më shumë se 35.000 rebelë në Ukrainën lindore dhe ka rreth 3000 nga personeli i saj ushtarak, i vendosur në territorin rebel.

Northern Fleet warship Georgii Pobedonosets passes through the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday with five other landing vessels, sparking speculation they are bound for an impending 'full-scale invasion' of Ukraine

Moska mohon të ketë ndonjë forcë në Ukrainën lindore. Aktiviteti i inteligjencës ruse kundër Ukrainës është intensifikuar gjithashtu, thuhet në dokument.

Ushtria ukrainase tha gjithashtu se Rusia mund të përdorë armë raketore me rreze të mesme veprimi për të shkatërruar objekte thelbësore, duke vënë në dukje se grupe taktike shtesë të raketave operative-taktike “Iskander” janë transferuar në kufi.

Amphibious assault ship Kaliningrad was spotted sailing through the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday, days before Kiev warned President Putin had 'nearly completed' the build-up of troops along the border

Russia's Northern Fleet warship Olenegorsky Gornyak passes through the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday as fears rise about a possible invasion of Ukraine by Moscow following a months-long troop build-up along the border

Russia's Baltic Fleet vessel the Korolev was seen passing through the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday after two rounds of last ditch talks between the West and Russia failed to de-escalate the conflict which has threatened to bubble over since late last year

Moscow has announced the 'successful' completion of tests on its Kinzhal - or Dagger - hypersonic missiles in the Barents Sea on Tuesday, though the weapons were already deployed with Russian personnel

In new training drills yesterday, three dozen Russian warplanes including Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft and MiG-31 fighter-interceptors flew from airfields in Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions

Russian President Vladimir Putin (pictured during a meeting at the Kremlin on Tuesday) has 100,000 troops and military hardware along Ukraine border, say security analysts

The UK's Ministry of Defence fears Putin will inflict large-scale warfare engulfing cities and high civilian death tolls (Pictured: A convoy of Russian armoured vehicles moves along a highway in Crimea, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022)

The White House warned yesterday that the situation was 'extremely dangerous' (Pictured: Anatoliy, a Ukrainian soldier with the 56th Brigade, in a trench on the front line on January 18, 2022 in Pisky, Ukraine)

Light, anti-armor, defensive weapon systems, supplied by the UK arrive in Kiev, Ukraine on Tuesday amid a Russian military buildup on its border

Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Anatolii Petrenko (L) attends the delivery of light, anti-armor, defensive weapon systems, supplied by the UK

Ukraine's Defense Ministry confirms it has already received a shipment of "light anti-tank weapons" provided by United Kingdom

A member of the 503âd Naval Infantry Battalion stationed in Donbas, Ukraine on January 18, 2022

It had been thought Mr Putin would choose the 'simple option' of sending troops into the Donbass region in south-eastern Ukraine and then negotiate for it to become an independent state, providing a buffer between pro-western Ukraine and Russia

Members of the 503âd Naval Infantry Battalion relax and prepare lunch while stationed in Donbas, Ukraine on January 18, 2022

The Joe Biden administration fears Moscow could launch an attack against Ukraine 'at any point' (Pictured: Mykola, a Ukrainian soldier with the 56th Brigade, in a trench on the front line on January 18, 2022 in Pisky, Ukraine)

Ukrainian soldiers with the 56th Brigade maintain their positions in trenches in Pisky

Russian tanks of the Novorossiysk Guards mountain formation took part in maneuvers on Friday, further raising the temperature along the border with Ukraine where 100,000 Russian troops are massed

Russian servicemen prepare their military vehicles to unload for Russia and Belarus joint military drill in Belarus on January 18

A handout photo made available by the Belarus Defence Ministry press service shows Russian military vehicle arrives for Russia and Belarus joint military drill 'Union resolve 2022' in Belarus, 18 January 2022. The exercises will be held next month

Russian military vehicles arriving in Belarus are seen in this photograph distributed by the Belarus Ministry of Defense on Tuesday, ahead of joint exercises

A Royal Air Force transport jet arrives in Kiev, Ukraine, with a shipment of anti-tank weapons designed to deter a Russian attack on the country as Putin masses his forces on the border

A pallet of British anti-tank weapons are unloaded at an airport in Kiev so they can be distributed to troops on the front lines with Russia in an attempt to deter an attack by Putin

A militant of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) checks a machine gun at fighting positions on the line of separation from the Ukrainian armed forces near the rebel-controlled settlement of Yasne (Yasnoye) in Donetsk region

Moscow has for weeks been massing tens of thousands of troops, tanks and artillery pieces along its eastern flank, sparking fears of an invasion, though the Kremlin has insisted it is merely a defence force (pictured, Russian forces currently massed in border regions)

/Burimi: Daily Mail/Përshtati: Priza.al/


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