‘Halyna, shoqja ime’!/ Aktori Alec Baldwin rrëfehet për ‘People’, për herë të parë pas vrasjes aksidentale, në xhirimet e ‘Rust’  

Ai tani është bërë më i famshëm fatkeqësisht jo prej roleve të tij, por prej incidentit që e radhiti atë në faqet e para të të gjitha mediave të botës.

Aktori hollivudian Alec Baldwin, ka thyer heshtjen duke folur për herë të parë pas aksidentit fatal në xhirimet e filmit të tij “Rust”, i cili rezultoi me vrasjen aksidentale të kineastes Halyna Hutchins, nga aktori i famshëm.

Hutchins was behind the camera while the scene was being filmed on October 21

“Nuk jam i autorizuar të jap asnjë koment për ngjarjen pasi është në hetim e sipër”,- ka thënë aktori i njohur. Baldwin bëri thirrje për masa të reja në sheshxhirime, ku mos të ketë më armë të vërteta.

“Halyna ishte shoqja ime, kur mbërrita në qytet për herë të parë kemi dalë për darkë bashkë. Sa aksidente me armë kanë ndodhur? Këto janë SHBA-të.

Alec and Hutchins (circled) are pictured together on the set of Rust, in an image that she uploaded to Instagram two days before

Duhet një ligj i ri për armët në set, ndoshta plastike se di. Unë nuk jam ekspert por duhen masa mbrojtëse urgjente për të mbrojtur njerëzit gjatë xhirimeve”,- tha më tej Baldwin shkruan revista “People”.

Alec claimed Hutchins' death was 'one in a trillion' before saying 'probably billions' of gunshots have gone off 'without incident' on filmsets in America without 'incident'

Hilaria has been branded a desperate attention-seeker by social media users after she interrupted Alec several times during the interview

Alec (right) and his wife, Hilaria, spoke to reporters about the incident for the first time Saturday during an impromptu roadside press conference (pictured)

Alec Baldwin, 63, and his wife, Hilaria, 37, celebrated Halloween with their six children on Sunday days after Halyna Hutchin's death on the Rust movie set

Hilaria - seen wearing matching costumes with her daughters Carmen (right) and Maria (left) - shared the photos to Instagram

Alec (pictured with his wife and kids) dressed up as a creature from the popular children's book Where the Wild Things Are

Halyna Hutchins (pictured) died on October 21 after Alec Baldwin pointed and fired a Colt pistol at her during a scene

An investigative report published Sunday morning revealed three accidental weapons discharges that took place on the Rust set (pictured) prior to Hutchins' death

One involved Alec's stunt double accidentally firing a blank after being told the gun was 'cold'. In another instance, a props department worker 'actually shot herself in the foot' with a blank

Hilaria was seen comforting her grieving husband, Alec, at a private bar in Manchester, Vermont on Friday night

The two were seen sharing an intimate kiss as the embattled actor faces a criminal investigation into the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of his film 'Rust'

Hilaria was seen talking on the phone while her husband perused the menu


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